PCA2030 Trajectory in the Netherlands

Breda, Thursday 29 February


On February 29, the inaugural meeting of the UNITAR CIFAL Flanders PCA 2030 was held in Breda, marking a significant milestone for this initiative.

The event featured keynote speeches from partners, including representatives from the GlobalGoals community, UNITAR Geneva, and our SDG Ambassadors.

PCA2030 Trajectory 2024


Opening by Rob de With, founder GlobalGoals.community

The Origin of the PCA2030 Trajectory

Insights from Peter Wollaert, Managing Director CIFAL Flanders and UNITAR Fellow, about the PCA2030 Trajectory 

Live from UNITAR in Geneva 

Online connection with Division Director UNITAR and Head CIFAL Global Network, Alex Mejia.

Networking break

experiences from sdg Trajectory

Sharing Experiences 

SDG Ambassador, Yannick Aerts, about the results of Fruit at Work.

Dimitri Torfs presents experiences from Blue Gate Antwerp, as an SDG Champion. 

Working with the PCA2030 Tool

In collaboration with