ESG Frontrunners 2024

Antwerp, Thursday 25 April


On 25 April, with the support of the Flemish government, a group of 25 leading organisations and companies recently convened to deliberate on the new EU Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) regulations. This important gathering provided a dynamic platform for stakeholders to exchange experiences, share diverse perspectives, and deepen their understanding of both the challenges and opportunities posed by these critical regulatory changes. The discussions particularly emphasised initiatives aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), underscoring a shared commitment to sustainable development.

ESG FRONTRUNNERS  Programme 2024

Networking lunch

Beginning of the Session

The first session began with a networking lunch in Antwerp AWDC Building.

Peter Wollaert and Marijke Janssens, from CIFAL Flanders presented the objectives and ways of working from the ESG Frontrunners.

Getting to know each other

There was a round table for the participant to introduce themselves. 

European Sustainability Regulations

Sofie Coenen (Pantarein) provided an overview of European sustainability regulations, thereby enhancing the participants’ understanding in the topic.

Final Exchange 

The session concluded with an interviw with Jeppe Remy, about his experience in WAAK Maatwerk with sustianbility and EU-related regulations. 


Session 2: Navigating Sustainability with the EU Taxonomy 

Beginning of the Session

On 30 May, the second session  of ESG Frontrunner took place online, focusing on navigating sustainability within the EU Taxonomy .  

Marijke Janssens, and  Elona Pay from CIFAL Flanders moderated this session..

Technical Regulations 

Nicolas Crins, from Pantarein, offered an overview of how the  EU Taxonomy operates, why companies must comply, and how they can do it.

The session continued, dividing participants into breakout rooms to discuss cases related to  circularity, biodiversity, and climate mitigation, led by experts Helen Jacobs  (Voka-Vlaams Netwerk van Ondernemingen), Febe Thomas (Go Ocean), and  Nicolas Crins (Pantarein).

Final Exchange

The session concluded with a panel discussion on Sustainable Investing featuring Koen De Vidts (NewB), Stéphanie Dangreau (Argenta), and Professor luc van liedekerke.

Session 3: Mastering the CSRD: A Deep Dive into double materiality analysis

On 27 June the third session of the ESG frontrunner took place online. This session was moderated by Marijke Janssesn, Elona Pay, and Charlene Pétillon from CIFAL Flander. 

Double Materiality 

Katelijne Norga (Pantarein) explored the Double Materiality and its role in the CSRD and ESRS.

Study Cases & Breakout rooms

Attendees then engaged in dynamic breakout rooms, featuring:

• A deep dive analysis into Double Materiality by Kobe Geryl from KPMG, presenting the case of Farys.

• A discussion on understanding VSMEs and transparency, led by Erwin De Bock from RSM Belgium.

• An analysis on the step-by-step approach to bridging SDGs and ESG, presented by Marijke Janssens from CIFAL Flanders and Birgit Verspeek from IDEA Consult, along with the case of Bopro presented by Charlotte Truyts.

Final Exchange 

The session concluded with an interview hosted by Charlene Petillon with Harold Dierckxsens from IBR-IRE, discussing the auditor’s critical role in the CSRD process.