Lecture FIT @ ETPO Annual Conference

Belgian Permanent Representation to the EU Rue Belliard 65, Brussel, Belgium

Content: The European Trade Promotion Organisations (ETPO) Main Conference is the 60th Annual Meeting for ETPO members, in cooperation with Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), hub.brussels invest & export and Wallonia Export Investment. Output: Peter Wollaert, UNITAR Fellow and Managing Director of CIFAL Flanders, will host a workshop addressing the role of trade promotion organisations (TPOs) in […]

VOKA Day on Corporate Sustainability

Deloitte Gateway Building Luchthaven Brussel Nationaal, Zaventem, Belgium

Content: VOKA organises its annual Day on Corporate Sustainability in cooperation with MVO Vlaanderen. Output: During this day, (young) entrepreneurs and companies with an interest in or experience in corporate sustainability are invited to inspire each other and exchange insights, knowledge and best practices. Trends and challenges on sustainability will be addressed during break-outsessions on each of […]

Djapo’s Inspiration Day SDGs in education

Amazone Middaglijnstraat 10, Brussel, Belgium

Content: How to implement the SDGs in practice? Local policymakers, profit and non-profit sectors as inspiring examples for the educational sector: together towards 2030. Output: Introduction session on SDGs by Peter Wollaert, UNITAR Fellow and Managing Director CIFAL Flanders, and Dirk Timmermans (United Nations Association Flanders Belgium). Keynote speeches by Raymonda Verdyck (GO!) and Flore De […]

UN SDSN Belgium Seminar

Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 5, Brussel, Belgium

Seminar hosted by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN) in participation with Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). 09.15-09.30h Coffee/Tea 09.30-09.35h Welcome by Prof. dr. Ir. Hugo Thienpont, Vicerector Innovation and Industry Relations,Vrije Universiteit Brussel 09.35-09.45h Introduction by Prof. dr. Silvia Lenaerts, Vicerector Valorization and Development University of Antwerp, Chair SDSN Belgium 09.45-10.15h Guillaume Lafortune, SDG […]

SDG Lecture Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media

Koninklijke Bibliotheek België Keizerslaan 4, Brussel, Belgium

Content: Agenda 2030 and the SDGs: cooperation between local libraries. Output: How to integrate the SDGs in the strategy and activities of a local library?

UN Day Flanders

Flemish Parliament Brussels

It is with pleasure that CIFAL Flanders | UNITAR and the United Nations Association Flanders Belgium (UNA) invite you to the United Nations Day Flanders. We will reflect on the progress made on the Sustainable Development Goals in Flanders and on the challenges of the United Nations for the upcoming years. But also celebrate the 74th anniversary of the United […]

SDG Lecture Hogeschool PXL

Hogeschool Hasselt Elfde Liniestraat 24, Hasselt, Belgium

Content: Introduction to the framework of Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Output: Knowledge development on the SDGs and how to apply them as sensitized civilians.

SDG Lecture Odisee EMS

Content: General introduction to the framework of Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Output: Knowledge development on the SDGs.

Action Learning Day Fair Trade & SDGs

Provinciehuis Vlaams-Brabant Provincieplein 1, Leuven

Hoe duurzaam is Fair Trade? Hoe kan Fair Trade de SDG’s, de mensenrechten en de business case versterken? Gratis studiedag met interactieve workshop - woensdag 2 oktober 2019 - Provinciehuis Vlaams-Brabant CIFAL Flanders organiseert op woensdag 2 oktober 2019 in Leuven een Action Learning Day over Fair Trade en de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (SDG’s) van de […]

Launch of SDG training manual: how to become SDG-proof? @ SDG-Forum Belgium

Square Meeting Centre Brussels, Belgium

Content: CIFAL Flanders will present 'How to become SDG-proof?', the SDG training manual. This unique handbook, available in Dutch, French and English, collects CIFAL Flanders' best training methodologies and action learning materials, tailored for any kind of target audience, and aims to achieve a critical assessment and holistic understanding of Agenda 2030. During and after the […]

SDG-Forum Belgium

Square Meeting Centre Brussels, Belgium

Content: Annual event on everything SDG-related including an interactive session hosted by CIFAL Flanders. Keynote speaker: John Elkington Thirty workshops on SDGs Speakers' corner to facilitate progress towards SDG achievement Round table conversations with SDG Voices Information stands Networking opportunities Output: One of the referential moments within the Benelux to get acquainted with or strengthen any […]

SDG Lecture Postgraduate Sustainable Development @ HOWest/VIVES

Campus GKG Kortrijk, Belgium

Content: Introduction on the framework of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals and their importance in the world of global development. For the postgraduate students of Sustainable Development at VIVES/HOWest. Output: Knowledge development on the content and application of the SDGs.

SDG Lecture Partnerdag FIT

Flanders Investment and Trade Avenue Roi Albert II 37, Schaerbeek, Belgium

Content: Introduction to the framework of Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to the partners of Flanders Investment and Trade. Output: Knowledge development concerning the SDGs and their application for (inter)national businesses and partners of FIT.

SDG Lecture Goods to Give


Content: Achieving Agenda 2030 through the Sustainable Development Goals Output: knowledge building