SDG Lecture APEC

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals for the general directorate of the Autonomous Port of Conakry. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for local goverment and more specific sports policies.

SDG Workshop NGO-Federation

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in non-profits and NGOs. Output: create more insight in the content of and how to start with the SDGs in NGOs.

SDG Train the trainer session: Flemish government facility company

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

SDG Workshop Interfederaal Steunpunt Armoedebestrijding

Content: lecture on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in the context of the theme 'poverty and sustainability'. Output: create more insight on the content of and on how to start with the SDGs from the viewpoint of poverty reduction.

SDG Workshop UGent

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in higher education. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for higher education and universities.

SDG Workshop ‘We, The Future’ event KU Leuven

Content: training on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in practice for students at KU Leuven. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for students in their daily lives.

SDG Workshop HoGent

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in practice for lecturers of the Faculty of Education, Health and Social Work. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for higher education and universities.

SDG Lecture APEC

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals for the general directorate of the Autonomous Port of Conakry, in the context of the APEC three-day workshop on CSR and Leadership Development. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start […]

ISB Congres – Vlaams Instituut voor Sportbeheer en Recreatiebeleid vzw

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals for local goverment and more specific sports policies. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for local goverment and more specific sports policies.

CIFAL Flanders Advanced SDG Workshop: Province East Flanders

In an advanced workshop, our managing director, Peter Wollaert, introduced the staff of the province of East Flanders to the Agenda 2030 and explored methodologies to map sustainability initiatives. Content: training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the linking of different (existing) initiatives to strategic implementation of the goals. Output: mapping of […]

SDG Workshop UHasselt

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in higher education and universities. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for higher educations and universities.

SDG Lecture Ecocampus Leuven

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in higher education and universities. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for higher educations and universities.

SDG Lecture: UNICA Green Conference in Collaboration with the VUB

On 21-23 March 2018, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel will kindly host the 8th UNICA GREEN Workshop: Implementation of SGDs in Higher Education. The UN Sustainable Development Goals: everybody is talking about them, but what role can higher education institutions play in their implementation? Are the SDG’s an effective guiding principle to develop a sustainability policy? And how […]