SDG Workshop UHasselt

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in higher education and universities. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for higher educations and universities.

SDG Lecture Ecocampus Leuven

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in higher education and universities. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for higher educations and universities.

SDG Lecture: UNICA Green Conference in Collaboration with the VUB

On 21-23 March 2018, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel will kindly host the 8th UNICA GREEN Workshop: Implementation of SGDs in Higher Education. The UN Sustainable Development Goals: everybody is talking about them, but what role can higher education institutions play in their implementation? Are the SDG’s an effective guiding principle to develop a sustainability policy? And how […]

SDG Lecture UGent

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in higher education and more specific in the engineering department. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for higher educations and universities.

SDG Workshop for members of

In the preparartion of the elections of 2018, CIFAL Flanders was invited to give an SDG training on the participation of citizens in local policy which included more than 75 enthousiastic participants. Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show […]

SDG Lecture Breakfast Session at NGO-Federation

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in non-profits and NGOs. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs in NGOs

VVSG Studiedag: De lokale vertaling van de SDGs – terugkoppeling piloottraject

De lokale vertaling van de SDGs - terugkoppeling piloottraject Voor wie:  Deze studiedag richt zicht op schepenen en ambtenaren, maar staat eveneens open voor anderen die interesse hebben in de lokale vertaling van de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (SDGs). De lokale vertaling van de SDGs, iedereen heeft er momenteel de mond van vol. Maar hoe doe je […]

Action Learning Platform & Newyear’s Reception in Brussels

Het CIFAL Flanders Action Learning Platform is een halfjaarlijks overleg waarop alle trainingspartners van CIFAL Flanders worden uitgenodigd om te leren van elkaar betreffende het implementeren van VN-teksten in de eigen werking. De focus van deze bijeenkomst lag op Agenda 2030 en de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (SDG’s). Naast debriefings over het nationaal en federaal beleid door […]

SDG Workshop UHasselt

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in universities and higher education. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs in universities and higher education.

SDG Lecture Province of Limburg

CIFAL Flanders gave an inspiring SDG Lecture for the Province of Limburg. Our managing director, Peter Wollaert introduced the staff to Agenda2030 and explored methodologies to get started with the SDGs and to formulate policy recommendations for (local) governments. Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in local […]

SDG Lecture Zuidcafé in Antwerp

Content: lecture on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in cities and sustainable communities with a focus on SDG 11. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs for cities and sustainable communities.

SDG Workshop HoGent

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in universities and higher education. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs in universities and higher education.

SDG Workshop UHasselt

  Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals in universities and higher education. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs in universities and higher education.    

SDG Lecture Vlaamse Overheid

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.