SDG Lecture Colruyt HALLE

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

Progress on implementing Agenda 2030 & the SDGs in Belgium and Flanders

Flanders Investment and Trade Avenue Roi Albert II 37, Schaerbeek, Belgium

Brussels - On 07/09 CIFAL organised its semestrial Action Learning Platform. On this day, CIFAL invited all its partners to give an update on the progress of CIFAL Flanders and the status of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Flanders. The day involved a inspiring session by managing director Peter Wollaert on […]

Action Learning Port of Antwerp UA

Our Approach: Action Learning for Sustainability Leadership The central purpose of CIFAL Flanders is to develop and strengthen human capacities to better respond to development challenges. CIFAL Flanders relies on an Action Learning approach that aims to: Facilitate the transfer of knowledge, experiences and best practices amongst government officials, private sector and civil society leaders […]

SDG Training Sociale Economie

          Aan de slag met AGENDA 2030 in de sociale economie organiseert in samenwerking met CIFAL Flanders op 17 en op 18 juli 2017 een opleidingssessie over de toepassing van Agenda 2030 en de 17 Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (SDG’s) in sociale economie ondernemingen. Maandag 17 Juli 2017                                      Dinsdag 18 Juli 2017 […]

HLPF, New York

HIGH-LEVEL POLITICAL FORUM 2017 The High-level Political Forum provides for the full and effective participation of all States Members of the United Nations and States members of specialized agencies. UN Central Platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the sustainable development goals. The meeting of the high-level political forum […]

SDG Workshop Brussels Airport

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

Lecture Stadlab, Oostende

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

SDG Lecture Facilitair Bedrijf

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

SDG Lecture Artevelde Hogeschool, Gent

Title of the lecture: The Sustainable Development Goals: A Global Vision for Local Future Proof Action. Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with […]

SDG Workshop ILVO, Merelbeke

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

SDG Inspiration Brussels Airport

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

SDG Seminar FIT

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

European Development Days, Brussels

CIFAL Flanders will be present at the European Development Days in Brussels. Together with the European Network of Policital Foundations (ENoP) we will discuss how we can move towards an inclusive, participatory and representative implementation of the Agenda 2030. Join us during this brainstorm session on Wednesday 7 June from 9h30 to 10h45 in room […]

SDG Workshop Trefdag sociaal-cultureel werk, Brussels

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

SDG lecture & workshop Vives, Kortrijk

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals by a show case of best practices. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.