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Action Learning Platform: SDGs, Transition & Circular Economy
29-08-2019, 08:00 —17:00
Read the full report on CIFAL Flanders’ Action Learning Platform here.
09:00 Welcoming reception with coffee and tea
09:30 Opening speech: Implementing the SDGs at the City of Antwerp
Mr. Tom Meeuws, Deputy Mayor Social Affairs, Poverty Alleviation, Community Development, Equal Opportunities, Social Economy, Environment and Worship City of Antwerp
09:45 How to become SDG-proof?
Mr. Peter Wollaert, Fellow UNITAR & Managing Director CIFAL Flanders
11:15 Implementing the SDGs at ILVO: Learnings and Opportunities
Prof. Dr. Joost Dessein, professor Agricultural Economics University of Ghent & senior researcher Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO)
12:00 Panel Debate on Localising the Sustainable Development Goals
Ms. Marian Blondeel, Head of Benelux-EU Team United Nations Regional Information Centre
Ms. Ingrid Lieten, Director Verso
Ms. Christel Vandenhouten, Head of Sustainable Development Brussels Airport Company
Mr. Hassan Al-Hilou, Entrepreneur & Founder of YouthTalks
Prof. dr. Luc Van Liedekerke, Professor Business Ethics University of Antwerp & KULeuven
13:00 Walking lunch
14:00 Transition
Prof. Dr. Thomas Block, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development, Associate Professor ‘Sustainability and governance’ at the Department of Political Sciences and Commissioner Sustainability at the Cabinet of the Rector, Ghent University
15:00 Best practice circular economy
Ms. Katrijn Siebens, Facilitator Circulaire Economie at OVAM Vlaanderen Circulair
15:30 Presentation CIFAL Flanders’ SDG Training Manual met steun van de Nationale Loterij
16:00 Roundtable exchange
17:00 Networking drink
Practical information
Date & time: Thursday 29 August, 9:00 – 18:00
Venue: Vredescentrum – Lombardenvest 23, 2000 Antwerp
General introduction on Agenda 2030 and how to become SDG-proof, by Peter Wollaert:
[pdf-embedder url=”https://cifal-flanders.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CIFAL_SDG-Lecture-ALP_2019-08-29.pdf” title=”CIFAL_SDG Lecture ALP_2019 08 29″]
On the implementation of the SDGs at the organisation you work for, by Prof. Dr. Joost Dessein:
[pdf-embedder url=”https://cifal-flanders.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ILVO_Presentation-ALP_NL_20190829.pdf” title=”ILVO_Presentation ALP_NL_20190829″]
On transition, by Prof. Dr. Thomas Block:
[pdf-embedder url=”https://cifal-flanders.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/UGent-CDO_Transitiedenken_Thomas-Block_NL_29-08-2019.pdf” title=”UGent-CDO_Transitiedenken_Thomas Block_NL_29 08 2019″]
Further reading on the topic of transition:
Paredis, E. (2018). Governance van transities. In G. Bouckaert, A. Van Hondeghem, J. Voets, S. Op de Beeck, K. Verhoest, & M. Ruebens (Eds.), Handboek overheidsmanagement. Samen werken aan een overheid in beweging. (pp. 457–484). Brugge: Vanden Broele.
On circular economy, by Katrijn Siebens:
[pdf-embedder url=”https://cifal-flanders.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CirculairVlaanderen_Inleiding-circulaire-economie_NL_2019.pdf” title=”CirculairVlaanderen_Inleiding circulaire economie_NL_2019″]
Olivia Droeshaut © DYOD