SDG CONGRESS: Agenda 2030 in the election campaign 2024

Brussels, Tuesday 21 March 2023


The SDGs are 17 global goals designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Halfway through Agenda 2030, there is still a long way to go to achieve the SDGs and it is clear that we can only do this together. Several networking and umbrella organisations have found each other and are working together towards a more sustainable future. However, it is extremely important that political parties are also on board with the 17 domains of the sustainability agenda. We are very curious to see how the SDGs will be included in the 2024 memorandums and election programmes.

The different standpoints are discussed during the CIFAL Congress: SDGs in the election campaign 2024


Venue: De Schelp, Vlaams Parlement, Leuvenseweg 86, 1000 Brussels

Date: Tuesday 21 March 2023, from 11 am until 3:30 pm. 

Language: Dutch, no translation to other languages


11:00 Networking lunch

12:00 Welcoming speech SDGs in Flemish policy

Peter Wollaert, CIFAL Flanders

12:15 SDGs at the Flemish local authorities

Tony Vermeire, IDEA Consult

12:30 Panel debate with Member of Parliament of the Flemish parties

14:00 Explanation of (first steps of) memoranda of Flemish umbrella and network organisations

15:00 Closing words

16:00 Action learning platform

Policy context



Political parties

Robrecht Bothuyne, CD&V, Vice-president and Member of the Flemish Parliament

Jeremie Vaneeckhout, Groen, Co-president

Wilfried Vandaele, N-VA, Party Leader Flemish Parliament

Steven Coenegrachts, Open VLD, Member of the Flemish Parliament and Senator

Leo Pieters, Vlaams Belang, Member of the Flemish Parliament and Senator of the Flemish Region

Kris Verduyckt, Vooruit, Member of the Federal Parliament

Umbrella and networking organisations

Anton de Ryckere, Director Vereniging Vlaamse Provincies (VVP)

Els Hertogen, Director 11.11.11

Eric Vermeylen, Secretary-General Vlaamse Hogescholenraad

Hans Maertens, Managing Director Voka

Heidi Degerickx, General Spokesperson and Coordinator Netwerk tegen Armoede

Ingrid Lieten, CEO Verso

Vanya Verschoore, Coordinator Reset.Vlaanderen

Yelter Bollen, Policy Expert Climate and Financing Bonf Beter Leefmilieu

Facilitators/keynote speakers

Tony Vermeire, Expert Local Government at IDEA Consult

Peter Wollaert, UNITAR Fellow and Managing Director CIFAL Flanders

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