It has been said many times and in many ways that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) create business opportunities, but how this can be done has not often been documented in an extensive way. This report shows how the 17 Sustainable Development Goals can be turned into new market opportunities met by concrete business solutions. The solution-focused report — the fourth in its series — illustrates that for all SDG’s there are real opportunities which can make a world of difference. The report hones in on the four SDGs that, according to DNV GL’s “Future of Spaceship Earth” study, are most likely to miss their 2030 targets: Goal 10 “Reduced Inequalities”, Goal 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production”, Goal 13 “Climate Action”, and Goal 14 “Life Below Water”.

So what exactly is a ‘Global Opportunity’? Opportunities are avenues of action for systemic change that stakeholders in business, politics, finance, and civil society can choose to pursue when addressing global risks. They create value for societies and the planet, not just for individuals or businesses. An opportunity is different from a single business solution, because it creates systemic change via multi-stakeholder collaboration. The report aims to demonstrate how global sustainability challenges and risks can be seen as opportunities.

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