ESG Frontrunners 2024

Antwerp, Thursday 25 April


On 25 April, with support from the Flemish government, the inaugural session of a four-part series on ESG frontrunner strategies took place. A group of 25 leading organisations and companies gathered to explore the theme: “How to Become a Frontrunner and Go Beyond Compliance?” This inaugural session set the tone for the subsequent 4 sessions, which covered the EU Taxonomy, Double Materiality analysis under Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and practical approaches for Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) implementation. Participants shared insights on how to align with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), highlighting both challenges and opportunities.


Session 1: How to become a frontrunner and go beyond compliance?

The first session began with an in-person networking lunch at the Antwerp AWDC Building, providing attendees the opportunity to connect.

Beginning of the Session

Peter Wollaert and Marijke Janssens, from CIFAL Flanders presented the objectives and ways of working in the ESG Frontrunners sessions.

  • LinkedIn Peter Wollaert
  • Marijke Janssens


After having a round table to get to know each other, Pantarein started their presentation. They provided an overview of European sustainability regulations, enhancing the participants’ understanding of the topic.

Final Exchange

The session concluded with an interview with Jeppe Remy , about his experience in WAAK Maatwerk with sustainability and EU-related regulations.

  • LinkedIn Jeppe Remy


Session 2 and Session 3 took place online.

Session 2: Navigating Sustainability with the EU Taxonomy

On 30 May, the second session of ESG Frontrunner took place online, focusing on navigating sustainability within the EU Taxonomy.

Marijke Janssens, and Elona Pay from CIFAL Flanders moderated this session.

  • LinkedIn Elona Pay

Presentations Session 2

Nicolas Crins from Pantarein provided an overview of the EU Taxonomy, explaining its operation, the importance of compliance for companies, and practical ways to achieve it. Following this, participants were split into breakout rooms for focused discussions on specific topics:

  • Circularity led by Helen Jacobs, Voka
  • Biodiversity facilitated by Febe Thome, Go Ocean
  • Mitigation guided by Nicolas Crins, Pantarein

This format allowed participants to engage deeply with real-world cases related to these key ESG areas.

  • LinkedIn Helen Jacobs
  • LinkedIn Febe Thome
  • LinkedIn Nicolas Crins

Final Exchange Session 2

The session concluded with a panel discussion on Sustainable Investing featuring Koen De Vidts (NewB), Stéphanie Dangreau (Argenta), and Professor luc van liedekerke.

  • LinkedIn Koen De Vidts
  • LinkedIn Stéphanie Dangreau
  • LinkedIn Prof. Iuc van Iiedekerke

Session 3: Mastering the CSRD, A Deep Dive into Double Materiality analysis

On 27 June the third session of the ESG frontrunner took place online. This session was moderated by Marijke Janssesn, Elona Pay, and Charlene Pétillon from CIFAL Flanders.

  • LinkedIn Charlene Pétillon

Presentations Session 3

Katelijne Norga from Pantarein explored Double Materiality and its significance within the CSRD and ESRS frameworks. After her presentation, participants joined breakout rooms to engage in dynamic case studies:

  • Double Materiality Analysis led by Kobe Geryl from KPMG, focusing on Farys.
  • VSMEs and Transparency facilitated by Erwin De Bock from RSM Belgium.
  • Bridging SDGs and ESG presented by Marijke Janssens (CIFAL Flanders) and Birgit Verspeek (IDEA Consult), including a case study on Bopro by Charlotte Truyts.
  • LinkedIn Katelijne Norga
  • LinkedIn Kobe Geryl
  • LinkedIn Erwin De Bock
  • LinkedIn Birgit Verspeek
  • LinkedIn Charlotte Truyts

Final Exchange Session 3

The session concluded with an interview hosted by Charlene Petillon with Harold Dierckxsens from IBR-IRE, discussing the auditor’s critical role in the CSRD process.

  • LinkedIn Harold Dierckxsens

Final session & awarding

Session 4: Making CSDDD Work: Practical approaches for implementation

On 1 October, the final session of the ESG Frontrunner 2024 series took place, focusing on the implementation of the CSDDD. At the end of the session, participants were awarded their completion certificates.


Katrien De Cort from Pantarein Publishing discussed the CSDDD, covering its definition, its role in EU regulations, practical tools for implementation, and actionable steps to begin applying due diligence.

  • LinkedIn Katrien De Cort

Cato De Roeck from 3BIO explored the implementation of the CSDDD and its link to biodiversity. He also addressed the growing body of international and European biodiversity regulations, and how 3BIO helps companies comply with the Biodiversity Convention and the Nagoya Protocol.

  • LinkedIn Cato De Roeck

Leen de Ruck, An-Sofie Raes, and Esther Theyskens from VSAdvocaten jointly presented on “The CSDDD and Other Relevant Frameworks in Belgian Law.” Their presentation addressed human rights, toxic leadership, the current state of compliance, criminal risks in the corporate world, and practical case studies relevant to the CSDDD

  • LinkedIn Leen de Ruck
  • LinkedIn An-Sofie Raes
  • LinkedIn Esther Theyskens

Thank you for your participation! We look forward to welcoming you in future editions.

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