In Belgium, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is undertaken at federal and regional level. An Inter-Ministerial Conference for Sustainable Development (IMCSD) is the central coordination mechanism for SDG implementation.

In 2017, the IMCSD approved a National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSSD), which envisions
integrating the SDGs into the Belgian context by selecting priority themes for enhanced coordination between public authorities. Through the Federal Council for Sustainable Development (FRDO-CFDD), civil society – including trade unions – was consulted on the NSSD, through online consultations and sessions organised by the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development (FIDO).

Trade unions note that the input requested by the FRDO-CFDD is required to be brief, not allowing for in-depth analysis; in addition, very few recommendations were felt to have been taken on board. The Belgian government has granted a big role in the SDG process to The Shift, a cross-sectoral platform for dialogue on the SDGs, and leads a communications campaign raising public awareness of the SDGs. However, a number of issues have lead the three Belgian trade unions to question The Shift’s transparency and commitment to the consultative process. The Inter-Federal Institute for Statistics is responsible for monitoring progress towards the SDGs; relevant information is made publicly available online.


Read more at International Trade Union Federation
