G-STIC: SDG Workshop Deep Geothermal

CIFAL Flanders will host an SDG Workshop on the topic of 'Deep Geothermal' during this year's G-STIC conference. This workshop will take place on 27 October, 10:00 - 11:30. More information will be released soon. For more information on the G-STIC conference, please visit this website.


For more information, please visit this website.

Action Learning Day: How SDG-Proof Is Fair ICT?

Provinciehuis Antwerpen Koningin Elisabethlei 22, Antwerpen, Belgium

CIFAL Flanders en de Provincie Antwerpen organiseren op 15 oktober 2020 een Action Learning Day rond de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (SDG’s), Fair Trade en Fair ICT. Datum & uur: donderdag 15 oktober 2020, 09:00 - 17:00 Plaats: het Provinciehuis Antwerpen & online Coronamaatregelen worden in acht genomen & de presentaties worden gelivestreamd. Hoe duurzaam is Fair […]