SDG Workshop Research UHasselt

Content: Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Output: Initiation for interdisciplinary collaboration in order to work out a project together with the Grand Challenges / SDGs.

SDG Lecture HoGent Bedrijfsmanagement

Content: Bachelor students Business Management will be introduced with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to achieve Agenda 2030 during an interactive session, using CIFAL Flanders' Action Learning methodology. Output: Students will be familiar with the Sustainable Development Goals and their relevance for business management.

Action Learning Day: Diamond & SDGs

-- English translation below -- Met plezier nodigen CIFAL Flanders en het Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC) u uit voor de lancering van het AWDC Maatschappelijk Verslag 2018 en de presentatie van Sustatool voor de diamantindustrie. Om beter te begrijpen hoe we actuele uitdagingen op het gebied van duurzaamheid in de diamantindustrie kunnen aanpakken, nodigen […]

SDG City Talk Turnhout

Van mondiale doelen naar lokale duurzaamheidsacties In 2015 lanceerden de Verenigde Naties 17 duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (SDG's) om onze wereld tegen 2030 op weg te zetten naar een duurzame toekomst. In deze doelstellingen is een grote rol weggelegd voor steden en bedrijven, maar ook voor lokale organisaties en burgers. Maar hoe? Kom op woensdag 24 april […]

SDG Lecture Stad Halle

Content: The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and The Agenda 2030 at the Local Government Level.  Focus on innovative projects and ideas. Output: Inspiration for the design for the new annual planning.

Dag van Bedrijfskunde Hanzehogeschool Nijmegen

Content: Providing basic knowledge and frameworks of Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Output: Create ideas on how the Sustainable Development Goals can be implemented in the HBO-Education system.

VUB Student Council Training

Content: Workshop General overview on Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals Ouput: Ability to connect policy to the SDGs

SDG Workshop UHasselt

Content: SDG workshop: "A Global Vision for local future-proof action" Students in their first year of the Master rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy will get to know the SDGs with relation to health and health related goals. Output: Students will be able to comprehend and understand the mechanisme of follow up (targets, indicatorsystem) of the SDGs. They […]

SDG Lecture Workgroup Sustainability VIVES

Content: SDG Lecture to stimulate the workgroup sustainability and to introduce them to a basic framework build around the Sustainable Development Goals. Output: Being able to devise concrete practical applications from a basic framework for implementing sustainability in higher education.

SDG North South Course UHasselt

Content: Guest Lecture on globalisation & sustainable development in context of the UHasselt course "Globalisation and Sustainable Development - 2019 from circularity to sustainability?". Output: Perspectives on how the Sustainable Development Goals fits into globalisation and sustainable development.