CIFAL Global Network Annual Meeting

This year the 15th Annual Meeting of the CIFAL Global Network, affiliated with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR,, is hosted by CIFAL Flanders and will take place from 19 to 21 November 2018 in Brussels. More information will follow.

SDG Lecture University College VIVES

Content: SDG lecture on Agenda 2030 with a focus on 9 specific SDGs: SDG 3 (Good health and well-being), SDG 4 (Quality of education), SDG 5 (Gender equality), SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities), SDG 8 (Fair work and economic growth), SDG 13 (Climate action) and SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions) Output: Good extensive knowledge […]

SDG Workshop NGO Federation

Content: Theory and Practice on a environmental case throughout the planned activities. Where are the environmental aspects on the level of the subgoals? What are the 5 most important and 5 least important SDGs for your activities? What actions are already implemented and what are possible suggestions? Presenting available tools. Output: What is the organisation's […]

SDG Workshop Province of Flemish Brabant

Content: Workshop on Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Output: Knowledge on SDGs and being able to translate this to their own sector/workenvironment.


Content: Deelnemers zijn geïnformeerd over het SDG kader - Deelnemers maken voor de 1e keer kennis met de SDG’s / 5P’s. - Deelnemers voelen de sense of urgency om op deze agenda in te zetten - Deelnemers weten dat het een internationaal, maar ook een lokaal kader voor duurzame ontwikkeling is. Ze beseffen de ondeelbaarheid […]

SDG Workshop Mobility Colruyt Group

On 6 November 2018, CIFAL Flanders will give a private training session to Colruyt Group involving mobility in Halle. The subject of this workshop will be Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will focus on how participants can determine their impact and the impact of their company on the SDGs and also […]

SDG Lecture – Sectorraad Economisch Domein hbo

On 1 November 2018, CIFAL Flanders will be hosted by 'Vereniging Hogescholen' for a private event to deliver a guest lecture on the SDGs in Oosterbeek. The lecture itself will consist on the specifics of Agenda 2030 and focus on the question where innovation and entrepreneurship is needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through […]


On 24 October 2018, CIFAL Flanders will give an SDG lecture for participants of ACLVB in Dutch (NL). The content of this lecture will mainly focus on these bullet points: A general situation and progress of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mean for business and the […]

SDG Forum

PowerPoint : SDGs, een holistische benadering Booklet CIFAL Flanders

Workshop on Challenges and Progress: Implementing the SDGs – UNU-CRIS

United Nations University CRIS Potterierei 72, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium

On 16 October at 14.00, UNU-CRIS will host a workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals, the progress made so far and the challenges related to their implementation. There will be two main speakers: Jan Vandemoortele and Peter Wollaert. Jan Vandemoortele has been crucial in the establishment of the Millennium Development Goals. He has been Director of the Poverty Group at UNDP […]

SDG Lecture Junior Chamber International Kortrijk

Content: lecture on the framework of the Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the implementation of the SDGs in the organisation's sustainability strategy.

Action Learning Day Fair Trade & SDGs

Hoe duurzaam is Fair Trade? Hoe kan Fair Trade de SDG’s, de mensenrechten en de business case versterken? Gratis studiedag met interactieve workshop - woensdag 3 oktober 2018 - Provinciehuis Gent CIFAL Flanders organiseert op woensdag 3 oktober 2018 van 9u30 tot 17u30 in Gent een Action Learning Day over Fair Trade en de Duurzame […]

SDG Lecture UCL

Content: lecture and training on the framework of the Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals for students at Université catholique de Louvain. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs.

SDG Workshop ILVO

Content: training on the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic implementation of the goals and aligning them with the sustainability strategy of the Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Output: create more insight on the content of and how to start with the SDGs in the context of the Institute’s […]